Monday, January 21, 2013

A Compilation of Some Funny Engineering Memes/Jokes/Pictures/etc..!

Hey all! Now, I know in my first post, I elaborated that the main topic of these posts would be the Canucks, but I'm not really interested in dissecting a goaltending controversy (there isn't one!) right now, so I decided I'd post some Engineering stuff! Because, well, I'm a nerd. And I'm studying Engineering. And I like humour. There ya go.

Side Note: If the media in Vancouver does decide to blow this goaltending controversy further out of proportion than it already is (which is entirely likely), then I'll most likely write a post on my take on it (there is no controversy!).

Anyhoot, let's get started!

This one is a personal favourite of mine, and were the dimensions right, it would definitely be the lock screen background on my phone. Of course, it's not really humourous, but it's kickass due to the sheer volume of these types of pictures on the internet. None as good as this one though ;)

Another good one, that I just discovered this morning actually. Since a couple of days ago, I've been watching quite a bit of Dilbert, so this comic made my day right from the get-go. I do believe that a trip to the moon is indeed necessary for me sometime in the future. Now, if only it were that easy...

This one doesn't only apply to Engineers, but anyone who understands calculus could figure it out pretty easily. Pretty funny if I do say so myself!

 This time, a C++ one. I'm sure anyone who's tried to write a program has experienced this exact same reaction when they get a compiling error. Stupid semicolons.

Ah, the Taylor series. For those of you who don't know what that is, well, I can't really tell you, because I haven't learned it yet :P I do know that this picture is referring to it though, which makes it awesome.

Another picture I really enjoy (but can't find :( ) is one that reads "Engineers are 1/cos(c)". Yes, yes we are.

And to wrap up this post, a joke!

Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."
The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit."

Thanks for reading everyone! Hopefully a couple of these gave you a good chuckle!

PS: If you're looking for more humour, follow @EngineerMeme on Twitter, or "like" the Engineer Memes page on Facebook! This is where I got a lot of these pictures, so a big credit from this post goes to these pages!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I'm Back! Maybe for Longer than Last Time!

Hey all, I'm back! Well, assuming you read my first blog about a year ago that is. If not, then this is my first post! Yay! Anyways, I figure this post should be about me, and the stuff I'll be posting; should I actually decide to keep blogging that is. Well, without further adieu, let's begin shall we?

For those who don't know me, my name is Ryan Bentley. I'm a first-year engineering student studying at the University of British Columbia's Okanagan campus (UBCO). I have a tremendous passion for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and other sciences, and have always had an interest on their real-world applications - hence my interest in engineering. I'm currently toying between specializing in mechanical or civil engineering, though I'm unsure as of this moment. Thankfully I don't have to declare my major until my third year, so I've got plenty of time. Outside of school, hobbies include video games, and anything hockey. If you know me even the slightest bit, it's incredibly easy to tell I'm a diehard Canucks fan. Especially if you're friends with me on Facebook. I'm not quite sure how I have ANY friends given how often I post Canucks status updates! 

Now, I'm sure you're asking something along the lines of "what kind of crap is this nerd going to be posting?", or "why the hell am I reading this?" at this point. Both very good questions. Regarding the first question, chances are if I do actually make a serious thing out of this blog this time, most of my posts will be related to the Canucks, or other hockey going-ons. I may throw in a couple posts about my endeavors in engineering school, which will basically be me bitching for an entire post. No, just kidding, I'll be serious, and I won't complain. Too much anyway. Of course, there may be other stuff that I'll post, but I can't really tell you about it when I know nothing of it! Anyways, expect those two kinds of subjects, mainly the Canucks. Oh, and in regards to the second question, I really have no idea. If you choose to read this crap, then I applaud you. And thank you. A lot. 

Anyways, I figure I'll wrap it up here for now for brevity's sake. I'll leave you with this video, that I quite enjoy from the TV series "Dilbert". Hopefully this post has been enough to attract some readers! Cheers everyone!
- Ryan